Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Candy floss or Chicken pie?

thestar online headline... RM60billion stimulus package

is it a candy for the desperate rakyat?? or another pie for the Putras' to indulge in??
this is the second package, no reviews on the first one?

will blog about the ingredients or so called inti pati of the stimulus plan real soon..
saya anak bangsa malaysia ada banyak pendapat untuk dibincang!

i urge all young adults/students in Malaysia,
to show appropriate concern over the politics and policies of Malaysia.
Please, show some interest..
after all, the country is Ours.
Kami punya negara!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Something from Malaysiakini.. enjoy the weekends..
and take a rest fellow politicians from the ruling party!

the rakyat is sick about all these sandiwaras and wayang kulits..
Enough is enough,
Kao Liao, Kao Liao, Goh Chap It Nee Kao Liao..
(enough, enough, 51 years enough)

the "pokok" incident in Perak,
god bless people in Perak..no proper government to lead them,
they should support the Pakatan Rakyat,
and hit BN with "Ellethantooya" typhoon,
instead of a tsunami in the next GE!

laugh my ass off!

our incoming PM(Play Mate)??!!
pride of Uni of Nottingham..''

signing off.
do visit me in Kamunting Detention,
if this blog is blocked!
i have no money to set up a mirror site!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Coma.Bed Ridden.Sorrow

He was on the verge of dying,
trying real hard grasping for air to survive, even with the breathing support tank;

He was in coma for nearly 3 months,
'doctors' confirmed that he is brain-dead,
and was asking me whether I decide to pull the plug..
allow him to continue bed ridden, till one day he take his own life
i was in a dilemma,
selfishness shall never over-rule me..
nothing seems to help revive him..
"mediums".."doctors"..are helpless

i somehow sense his pulse is beating at an abnormal rate...
weak and fragile..but still beating..
i guess it must be the pace-maker,
and more importantly..
the determination!

i don't wanna send him into the grave, nor the incinerator..
he should be touched by my passion,
and come back to life.

i am determined..to revive DarrenQuah's Boundary!!

sorry to those friends who are disappointed for my low-spirit in upkeeping this blog.
and some say, it is growing fungus and covered by dust.. lol, wad a phrase.

Friday, December 12, 2008


finally, finished my first year of my degree..
exams questions were not that tough as expected,
perhaps, my expectation was way too high.. and basically i did all my revision
with least hope for the "focus area", it just made me felt so insecure..

anyway, here are some reviews bout' the papers..
Business Info Skills..
difficulty so-so..i sense that i read more than what is given in the lecture..
the lecturer is not punctual for her class throughout the semester..
lc lor...

Business Mathematics Modelling..
the questions are just some routine exercises.. however, there are certain challenging questions that is very tricky..

Critical Thinking in Business..
an "A" for this module..lol..it was a 100% course work subject
hopefully, the moderation from Oxford Brookes University wont downgrade me!

Management Accounting
knn..speechless..rushing out of time..
but still manage to attempt to every single question..

there goes my first year, experiences and breakthroughs..


me will be in Singapore from the 19th till...idk (i don't know)
i will be doing some research on places to go and things to do soon..
readers out there..please suggest..
but better dont ask for souvenirs!

Christmas is coming..

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Amar Ma'ruf Nahi Munkar

Amar Ma'ruf Nahi Munkar
i was exposed to this arabic term
in my Bahasa Malaysia tuition class.
we learn it, for the sake of preparing for our BM essay in SPM
the phrase "amar ma'ruf nahi munkar"
simply means...enjoining the good, avoiding wrongdoings
and it is encourage by my tuition teacher to add it into the essays focusing on
social issues...bribery...nepotism..so on and so forth!

however, today in parliament, 2 MPs commented that..
Penang Chief Minister, YB Lim Guan Eng..
should not be using the term as he is not a Muslim!

such an irony, these 2 MPs should review the syllabus for
Pengajian Moral and Sejarah for secondary school students..
then come out with a review,
to judge whether those syllabus are meant for Muslims and non-Muslims students..
inter-racial understanding should be preached,
and chaos should be abandoned.
these 2 MPs are not promoting inter-racial understanding,
but playing with racial cards..
stop complaining and start governing u foolish MPs
what is the problem of learning from the best?

perhaps...these 2 MPs thought that the term is referring to them!
"siapa makan cili, siapa yang rasa pedas"


Monday, November 17, 2008

Snapshots of Boleh-land

Petrol prices were slashed another 15cents!
the Economist(s) failed their subjects i presume..
initially, incentives were given to ease the people,
when they hiked the petrol price to rm2.70/litre
and as expected, inflation shot up!

currently, reducing the petrol prices does'nt help in lowering down the inflation,
G.D. the one who proposed the hike to rm2.70 for their personal gain,
my bus fare back to Penang is still added with a 30% SURCHARGE,
due to the price hike!
now the price of pertrol is reduced, but the surcharge is not taken off..

what are these people behind the economics of malaysia are doing??
i m suspicious over their plan for the nation.

for your information,

i unintentionally,
found this quote that make me shocked from Malaysiakini,
the news was regarding the University Malaya Vice Chancellor's
who failed to re-new her contract, just because she's a lady!
Rafiah Salim UM VC quoted:
‘Just because we are women and we don’t have that thing between the legs so we are not good,’

Professor/Puan Rafiah, that thing between the legs...
should it be thing or thingS?


Sunday, November 16, 2008

it is not bout' fame.. it is bout' personal accomplishment

2 more hours to go....
i will be setting my pace across the bridge!
controlling the tempo of breathing now..

Penang Bridge Marathon 08'
i m coming!