Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Amar Ma'ruf Nahi Munkar

Amar Ma'ruf Nahi Munkar
i was exposed to this arabic term
in my Bahasa Malaysia tuition class.
we learn it, for the sake of preparing for our BM essay in SPM
the phrase "amar ma'ruf nahi munkar"
simply means...enjoining the good, avoiding wrongdoings
and it is encourage by my tuition teacher to add it into the essays focusing on
social on and so forth!

however, today in parliament, 2 MPs commented that..
Penang Chief Minister, YB Lim Guan Eng..
should not be using the term as he is not a Muslim!

such an irony, these 2 MPs should review the syllabus for
Pengajian Moral and Sejarah for secondary school students..
then come out with a review,
to judge whether those syllabus are meant for Muslims and non-Muslims students..
inter-racial understanding should be preached,
and chaos should be abandoned.
these 2 MPs are not promoting inter-racial understanding,
but playing with racial cards..
stop complaining and start governing u foolish MPs
what is the problem of learning from the best?

perhaps...these 2 MPs thought that the term is referring to them!
"siapa makan cili, siapa yang rasa pedas"


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