Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Vote for Obama!

It was always me reading people's blog, never have the orgasm eager to write one..
and when my peers ask for my blog,
i just gotta admit that i do not have one!
However, I will be brave enough to take this leap..And start with my very own web log!
He started his.
And his first piece of "work" was bout' voting Hillary Duff!
Under strong encouragement, I started mine!
However, the fact is that Hillary is no longer in the contest! She failed to take down Barrack Obama.
However, fail-ing does not mean that she's no longer able to serve the people of The States.
Hillary, standup and face the crowd, you make us proud! Failing is never a bad thing.
One Chinese idiom I would like to share with Hillary: 失败乃成功之母. Failure is Mother of Success.

vote for Obama and Biden!

How on earth an african-american could make it to become the candidate of the President of The States? Where ages ago, Americans discriminate Africans and made them live in unbearable situations. I personally think that, all people of all races should be treated fairly with justice in a country with Laws, Orders and Constitutions.
So, as a front-line soldier of my military, I am accepting all sorts of people, it became a habit for me to keep reminding my armies standing at the front-line together with me, battling for a better result not to discriminate but accept people with an open heart!

From the first day the Military establish,
we the armies,
never stop any people from joining into our force!

The reason I wanna state this clearly due to the 3 quotes from
an eye-needle of the armies!
The first one goes: "...all Chinese(referring to my military which consists nothing but Chinese army)..."
This well-recognised leader with 3rd class mentality also a Chinese, splatter these slandorous/fitnah remarks right in front of my armies, at a low-pitch tone of course!

Anyway, I am kind and willing to accept your remarks. I will be discussing with my front-line regarding that! For the precious remarks, I would like to represent my military
and honour you with an exclusive souvenir!
it spells...

it's from the bottom of our heart!

C.H.A.N.G.E your mindset before you are screwed!

Sarah Palin, Vice of Mc Cain, prom queen Miss USA contestant turned politician!
almost screwed by Obama-Biden.. SOON!


Sonia said...

wonder boy pimped his blog! haha

Zi Sheng said...

wow. u have a blog. and u linked me . awesome mate :D

wonder boy said...

sonia: yea..i wanna make my blog high!!

kiu mo: of course lanciao kia..
miss u lots larr..remember the time we first met in Coffee Bean's to study?lol

yingxuan said...

i am not that 3m0! ishkkk...