Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Coma.Bed Ridden.Sorrow

He was on the verge of dying,
trying real hard grasping for air to survive, even with the breathing support tank;

He was in coma for nearly 3 months,
'doctors' confirmed that he is brain-dead,
and was asking me whether I decide to pull the plug..
allow him to continue bed ridden, till one day he take his own life
i was in a dilemma,
selfishness shall never over-rule me..
nothing seems to help revive him..
"mediums".."doctors"..are helpless

i somehow sense his pulse is beating at an abnormal rate...
weak and fragile..but still beating..
i guess it must be the pace-maker,
and more importantly..
the determination!

i don't wanna send him into the grave, nor the incinerator..
he should be touched by my passion,
and come back to life.

i am revive DarrenQuah's Boundary!!

sorry to those friends who are disappointed for my low-spirit in upkeeping this blog.
and some say, it is growing fungus and covered by dust.. lol, wad a phrase.


Alaz Goh said...

hi.. whose the poor soul?

wonder boy said...

surprising, first time here mr alaz?

don't tell me you feel young reading young peoples' blog! *laugh out loud*

if u wanna feel young, should try some products from Pfizer sir!

poor souls? not really.

Alaz Goh said...

wei.. pfizer products... maybe when I am 60 first lah.. am still not 40 yet..

wonder boy said...

by the way, thanks for dropping by Mr Alaz..